Friday, April 29, 2011


A small,circular and flat spots of melanin found on human skin is what is known as freckles.Freckles are usually associated with people that are fair in complexion. The spots grow randomly on the skin, especially after repeated exposure to sunlight. They may vary in color - they may be red, yellow, tan, light-brown, brown, or black. They usually develop more often during the summer, especially among lighter-skinned people and people with light or red hair. Both men and women get freckles at an equal rate.

Causes of Freckle

Exposure of skin to sun is one of the main cause of developing freckles. Freckles will fade when sun exposure is reduced or eliminated. The basic cause of freckles are some special cells in the skin that produce a pigment called melanin. If you have melanin in your body, going on accumulating at one place, then it may result in freckles age spots.
Freckles are influenced by genetic factor also. Hormone Abnormalities can cause freckles since estrogen over-stimulates pigment-producing cells, causing them to generate excess color when exposed to sunlight.

Signs and Symptoms of Freckles

In some cases, freckles are sporadic, individual spots and sometimes there are several grouped together, making them appear larger and cover a greater portion of the skin. Freckles, age spots and pregnancy mask have several things in common. They are formed in sun exposed areas: face, hands, chest and back. These unwelcome brown patches are nothing more than accumulation of skin pigment melanin which is always produced by the skin.


Ephelides (singular: ephelis, the Greek word for freckle): This term refers to flat spots that are red or light-brown and typically appear during the sunny months and fade in the winter.
Lentigines (singular: lentigo, from the Latin word for lentil): Children may develop a small tan, brown, or black spot which tends to be darker than an ephelis-type freckle and which does not fade in the winter.

Effective Freckle Treatments

Bleaching Creams - The use of hydroquinone and kojic acid are one of the beneficial treatment for freckles. They may help in lightning freckles if they are applied consistently over a period of months.

Chemical Peels: Chemical peels are used to remove age spots, freckles, discoloration, wrinkles and fine lines. They generally help to make the skin smooth and firm and also help in curing freckles gradually.

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (IPL): IPL is one of the newer forms of facial rejuvenation. IPL delivers energy to both the superficial (epidermis) and deep (dermis) layers of the skin, the epidermis is spared from damage. Thus, there is virtually no recovery time.

Tretinoin: Tretinoin (vitamin A acid, Retin-A) also helps to make freckles lighter when applied over a period of time.

Cryosurgery: A light freeze with liquid nitrogen can be used to treat freckles.

Freckle Laser Removal:
The most effective freckle removal method is freckle laser removal. There are a number of available laser treatments that are safe. A laser projects an intense light on the area that is affected, causing the light to be absorbed by the oxyhemoglobin and melanin so that the darker cells are destroyed and the healthy cells are left in tact. Your will need to protect your eyes from the intense light by wearing goggles. The light is directed using a very thin piece of equipment.


Getting rid of acne seems absolutely difficult to some folks. At times you think the presence of acne on your face will continue forever.Therefore you just have to be as stubborn as possible, and keep trying different approaches until you find an effective one. The home remedies discussed below have done wonders for many people, hopefully something here will work for you too.

Acne occurs when sebaceous glands' becoming blocked with oils or dead skin cells. Bacteria then grows and results in inflammation. While there are numerous methods to curing acne, one really stands out as effective and that is detoxification. Diet and exercise are the basis behind detoxifying the body. Strenuous exercise that causes you to sweat involves the release of toxins, so this is very important for improving the condition of your skin. Using the steam room at the gym or spa can also be helpful with this detox process. Lastly, remember to drink plenty of water while detoxing and exercising.

Here's another way to clear up acne naturally with tea tree oil. Tea tree oil, also known as melaleuca oil, is great for treating acne thanks to its antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti fungal properties. Tea tree oil should never been applied full strength to the skin. Before using tea tree oil to treat acne dilute as follows: 5% tea tree oil and 95% water. Tea tree oil may also be combined with other skin care products you already own. There are skin care products available which already contain tea tree oil. You can find such products at the pharmacy, natural foods stores and online.

Here is an old wives tale you may have heard before. Expose acne to the sun's rays and the acne will heal. Contrary to popular belief, this isn't true at all. Acne may be less noticeable after laying out in the sun. This happens because your skin turns either darker or a little more reddish in tone. The acne isn't cured, it's just less obvious. Some acne is caused by sun exposure due to irritated skin.

In the long run,too much exposure to sun will make your acne worse.Getting some sunshine is actually good for your health. Unless you have a medical reason to avoid the sun, the sun should not be completely avoided. Remember, there is no tangible reason laying under a scorching sun for hours with the main aim of curing your acne,it will only contribute more harm than good.

